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Tears and the Faithfulness of God

Life in Israel

Neighbor to Neighbor

Golan Residents Pull Together to Help Syrian Refugees The Syrian Civil War may be drawing to a close, but for years now fierce fighting and chemical weapons have left a scar on the Middle East, driving hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees to the Israeli and Jordanian borders. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been

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A War of Words

Repeat a lie often enough and it will eventually become truth. That is the propaganda law from which the Nazis reportedly wove an elaborate plot to justify the murder of six million Jews. Their approach was anything but original. Libels, slurs and slanders sold as fact are ancient weapons in the arsenal of those who

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Welcome to Jerusalem

In May this year, the United States made history by becoming the first major world power to place its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem. While this was certainly a momentous move, the City of Gold was shining long before US President Donald Trump recognized it as Israel’s capital. In fact, President Trump himself said the

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Hamas: Thirty Years of Terror

Rome. The Nazis. Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Assyria, Greece and the evil Haman. The chronicles of times gone by are littered with ancient regimes and rulers determined to annihilate the Jewish people. History teaches that those who led the charges to destroy the Jews were themselves ultimately destroyed, while Israel remained. History also teaches that

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From Rosh HaShanah to Sukkot: Three Weeks of the Holy, Joyous and Awesome

The rhythm of life in Israel is governed by an annual cycle of feasts. The year flows from Passover through Shavuot (Feast of Weeks) and on to Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), infusing the everyday with the holy, joyous and awesome. Yet even amidst a calendar marked with times set aside to celebrate, the three-week period

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The Kites that Set Southern Israel Ablaze

Hundreds of burning terror kites and balloons launched. More than 3,035 hectares (7,500 ac.) of forest and agricultural land turned to ash. Flocks of wildlife suffocated or burnt. Tens of millions of shekels in damage. A terror regime set on death and destruction… “The Islamist rulers of Gaza aren’t clamoring for a two-state solution. Hamas’s

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Hebrew: The Sound of Prophecy Fulfilled

It wasn’t love at first sight for me and Israel. Oh no. I fell in love with the Promised Land, her people, history and significance long before I caught my first glimpse of the strip of land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. My relationship with the Hebrew language started off differently. Even

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The Big Cut

While it is increasingly becoming a divisive issue, circumcision is one of the world’s oldest rites of passage and vitally important to Judaism. The topic was once considered taboo, but in modern times rigorous debate has flared up in Western nations about whether this tradition could be a violation of young boys’ human rights. The

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Rumors of War

“The chances of war in 2018 are growing… We are ready for war… The next war will be difficult and no simple matter. It will take between days and weeks, but in the end we will win.” —A senior IDF officer addressing military correspondents  Rising Tensions in the North “We are facing a new reality—the

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Tale of Two Cities

Jerusalem is experiencing one of its biggest expansions ever. Mayor Nir Barkat is focused on making Jerusalem a modern metropolis and one of the most accessible cities in Israel. Barkat hopes that new rail lines, business centers and massive residential construction will not only attract new citizens, but also investment from Israeli companies. During 2018,

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