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A Dry and Thirsty Land

December 14, 2017

by: Janet Aslin

Parched and cracked earth (illustrative)

Thursday, 14 December 2017 | This winter’s first rainfall appeared on schedule—during the week of Sukkot, the second week of October. At that time, Arutz Sheva published an article with this quote from Water Authority spokesman Uri Shore, “If God forbid the coming winter is similar to the previous four, then our water sources are going to be in huge trouble.”

In the two months that followed, rain has fallen sparsely, if at all, on the land of Israel. For example, the tiny kibbutz of Kefar Blum had received a mere 10% of the annual rainfall by December 12th. Founded in 1943 by new immigrants from the United Kingdom, South Africa, the United States and the Baltic countries, in the past this kibbutz has relied primarily on agriculture—cotton, dairy and fruit—as its economic base. And agriculture has been the area hardest-hit by lack of rain. Other locations throughout the northern part of Israel are experiencing a similar lack of rain.

Jerusalem’s rainfall has been even less than Kefar Blum’s as the city has received just 8% of its normal amount of rain during the first two months of the rainy season. Mid-March marks the end the time when rain can be expected to fall. As we have noted in previous weeks, the situation is desperate and requires tenacious intercession on the part of those who love the Land of God and His people. Remind the Lord of His promises that “the heavens shall give their dew” (Zech 8:12) and to “make the wilderness a pool of water” (Isa. 41:17).

Posted on December 14, 2017

Source: (Bridges for Peace, 14 December 2017)

Photo Credit: PellissierJP/pixabay