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Tears and the Faithfulness of God


Netanyahu Holds Security Briefing in Southern Israel as Rocket Fired from Gaza

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Terrorists Released by Israel Leave Prison as Millionaires

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Rain—a Long-awaited Blessing!


Take Part in Biblical Prophecy: Help Bring French Jews Home to Israel!


Bridges For Peace: Christians supporting Israel and building relationships

between Christians and Jews in Israel and around the world


Trees—A Gift of God

By: Rev. Rebecca J. Brimmer, International President

I have always loved trees. Israelis also love trees, and they plant them for all sorts of occasions. In fact, Israel is one of the only countries in the world that entered the 21st century with more trees than 100 years before. Let’s take a brief look at the relationship between Israel and trees.

Tu BiShvat – the New Year of Trees

Tu BiShvat, also known as the New Year for Trees, is a postbiblical Jewish holiday which celebrates trees.  The name means the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shvat, which falls in January or February, at the time of year when the trees in Israel are just beginning to bud and the almond trees begin to put forth their delicate pink and white blooms.

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The Officers of the IDF

By: Dr. Bill Adams, BFP Writer

My first encounter with an officer of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) was in 1985 at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, home of the US Army Field Artillery. Assigned there for the Officers Advanced Course, I was privileged to sponsor one of the allied nation officers in attendance: Captain Nir Granot from Tel Aviv.

My wife and I befriended Nir to help him feel at home for his six months in America. In theory, Nir would learn from my professional military training along with the rigorous program of study at the artillery school. In reality, Nir taught all of us from his combat experience as an artilleryman in the 1982 First Lebanon War. Only later did I understand that this is the norm in US–Israel relations: We supply the resources; they supply the experience.

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National Director of Bridges for Peace USA, Patrick Verbeten and Planned Giving Manager, Andy Benedick talk through recent Israel events and how your year-end donations and planned gifts can sustain our impact in 2025.

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