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Hope in Difficult Times


Unpacking the Netanyahu, Harris Meet

Current Issues

Israel Hits Yemen Directly after Deadly Drone Attack on Tel Aviv

Life in Israel

The Stones Cry Out: Fortifications from Biblical Jerusalem Unearthed


Zohar: A Brighter Tomorrow


Bridges For Peace: Christians supporting Israel and building relationships

between Christians and Jews in Israel and around the world


Unlocking the Power of Psalm 103

By: Rev. Cheryl L. Hauer, BFP Writer

How often in the Scriptures do we find exactly the answers we are looking for, the encouragement we need, the direction we have lacked? Verses that cause us to lift our eyes heavenward are often the very thing we need to refocus our attention from our own morass to the glory and majesty of our King.

Such are the verses found in Psalm 103. It has been called the Mount Everest of psalms, exalting the soul to breathtaking heights. Although it does not appear in its entirety in Jewish liturgy, Jewish prayer is peppered with verses and phrases from Psalm 103 and the rabbis have called it a masterpiece of biblical literature.

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Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis

By: Kate Norman, BFP Writer

The infamous terrorist group Hamas thrust itself into the world spotlight on October 7, 2023, when thousands of terrorists tore into Israel and executed a massacre that will live in infamy as the bloodiest single day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. The world has heard—though maybe not believed—countless accounts of the horrors that the Hamas terrorists executed against men, women, children and the elderly—Israelis, foreigners, Jewish, Arab, Christian or Muslims. No one was safe from the carnage.

Israel fought back to stem the tide of terror, launching a ground operation in Gaza to drive out the terrorist group that has controlled the enclave since 2007.

But this is not a one-front war. Israel is also taking near-daily fire in the north from the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terrorist group and sporadic attacks in the south from the Houthi terrorist group in Yemen.

The day after the Hamas attack on October 7, Hezbollah began firing rockets over the border into northern Israel. A few weeks later, the Houthis in Yemen also began launching sporadic projectiles and armed drones toward southern Israel. The group has also attacked dozens of commercial ships in the Red Sea—some with ties to Israel—casting a shadow over the important trading route.

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