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Hope in Difficult Times

Life in Israel

Studying the Weekly Torah Portion in Israel

Do you have any habits or spiritual disciplines that you have maintained over many years in your life? My spiritual life has been greatly deepened and enriched by studying the weekly Torah (Gen.–Deut.) portion (Parashat HaShavua). Each year, the worldwide Jewish community reads through the first five books of the Bible—the Pentateuch—together. Every week, they

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The Quirks of Israel—Tours to the Promised Land

From the pen of Peter Fast, national director of Bridges for Peace Canada and the future CEO of Bridges for Peace International, comes the third installment of an exciting new series entitled the Quirks of Israel. Join Peter on a journey through the wonderfully peculiar culture, traditions, heritage and daily life of this singular nation

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Bark or Bite

Nearly 90 years ago, a raving madman dedicated to the demise of European Jewry came to power in Germany. Adolf Hitler made no secret of his intense dislike for the Jewish people. In fact, he used nearly every platform at his disposal to broadcast his belief that the Jews were to blame for the ills

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Strength in Community

This spring, Bridges for Peace volunteers had the opportunity to visit Yad Mordechai in southern Israel. I was excited to go because I had read the illustrious history of this particular kibbutz (collective community) during the 1948 War of Independence. For five days, the heroic men and women of Yad Mordechai held off an Egyptian

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Water Innovation and Peace

Have you ever been truly, deeply thirsty? Were you in a place where you were able to find clean drinking water to quench your thirst? The reality of physical thirst is foreign to many people blessed to live in parts of the world where water is abundant. But, according to UNICEF and the World Health

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Victims into Perpetrators

The dictionary defines a conspiracy theory as an attempt to explain harmful or difficult events as being the result of the actions or secret plots of a small or powerful group. These wild theories tend to increase in number during periods of widespread anxiety, uncertainty or hardship, such as wars, economic depressions or often in

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No Silver Platter

At less than 100 years old, the modern State of Israel is a relatively young nation. Moreover, 74 years ago, when David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the establishment of the state on May 14,1948, its survival was not a given. After the 1947 UN vote to partition Palestine into two independent states, Chaim Weitzman, Israel’s first president,

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The Quirks of Israel

From the pen of Peter Fast, national director of Canada and the future CEO of Bridges for Peace International, comes an exciting new series of articles entitled the Quirks of Israel. Join Peter on a journey through the wonderfully peculiar culture, traditions, heritage and daily life of this singular nation as he unpacks, introduces and

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Gardens of Jerusalem

Jerusalem is Israel’s largest city. King David’s description thousands of year ago is still accurate today: “Jerusalem is built as a city that is compact together” (Ps. 122:3). There is a perpetual housing shortage and people continue to flood into the capital. Thankfully, the parks and gardens of Jerusalem provide room for the bulging population

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Capital Concern: What a US Palestinian Consulate Says about Control of Jerusalem

For millennia, Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel—it just wasn’t always recognized as such by other nations. On December 6, 2017, the United States dramatically changed its approach by formally recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel. Just over four years later, the Palestinians are hoping a new president in the

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