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Calling All Engines

September 20, 2005

An Internet search engine, using voice-recognition software, a microphone, and speakers, has been developed by researchers at Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev in Beersheva. The system, which conducts searches in response to spoken instructions rather than words keyed in as text, operates on any personal computer.

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The People of the Disengagement

September 20, 2005

Tears & Prayers: We cried with the people of Gush Katif as we witnessed their lives being ripped apart. There was hardly a dry eye in the country as all, on both the left and right ends of the spectrum, saw the human cost of a government decision. In the aftermath, thousands of people of all ages are left without homes; most are jobless and have limited resources. Many of those who were formerly self-sufficient find themselves joining the ranks of the homeless and needy virtually overnight.

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The Case Of The… Missing Hummus

September 20, 2005

How can one lose 75 tons of hummus (chickpea paste)? That is the question Israeli detectives are asking after a massive consignment of chickpeas disappeared from a kibbutz in central Israel.

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The Rite of Celebration: Pomegranate-Orange Salad

September 20, 2005

By Charleeda Sprinkle

“Celebrate the Feast to the Lord your God …” Deut. 16:15

One of the things I have enjoyed witnessing here in Israel is the way Jews celebrate. Marvin Wilson, in his book Our Father Abraham, notes that while Westerners tend to be reserved with their emotions, “the Hebrews…gave vent unashamedly to their feelings, for each emotion had a time appropriate for its expression…Since Bible times, the various holidays and rites of passage throughout life have provided particular opportunities for Jewish people to rejoice and to celebrate.”

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Israeli Arabs Reject Jewish Zionist State

September 20, 2005

A new poll of Israeli Arabs, conducted by a sociologist from the University of Haifa, shows an overwhelming rejection of Israel’s right to exist as a “Jewish Zionist state.”

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“Today Gaza, Tomorrow Jerusalem”

September 20, 2005

Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei said Israel’s planned withdrawal from the Gaza Strip would eventually lead to its surrender of the Jews’ ancient capital, Jerusalem. “We are telling the entire world: Today Gaza and tomorrow Jerusalem. Today Gaza and tomorrow an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,” Qurei said while reviewing PA security forces in Gaza.

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Muslim Missile Threat Faces Israel

September 20, 2005

Former Israel Defense Ministry official Uzi Rubin says over 1,000 Iranian, Syrian, Egyptian, and Saudi long-range missiles, armed with 500 tons of military-grade warheads, are currently pointed at and capable of reaching all points of Israel.

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Hamas : Terror Forced Israel from Gaza

September 20, 2005

Our “rockets have forced Israel to withdraw from the Gaza Strip, and they will end the occupation in the future,” said Mahmoud Zahar, referring to Hamas’s stated goal of “liberating” all lands west of the Jordan River from Jewish control. Zahar stressed that it was terrorist aggression, “and not…negotiations, that brought about the end of the occupation.”  -Gaza-based Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar July 18, 2005.

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Largest Jewish Community Worldwide

September 20, 2005

On July 13, 2005, there were 500 immigrants from the United States and Canada—the largest contingent of North American Jews to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) in one day in Israel's history!

For the first time in nearly 2,000 years, Israel will next year become the largest Jewish community in the world, figures released by a Jewish Agency think tank revealed in July.

However, the report issued by the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute predicted that even in 15 years, the majority of world Jewry will not be living in Israel. (At present, about 40% of world Jewry live in Israel, while by 2020, 46% will choose Israel as their home.)

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Security Chief Reveals Staggering Terror Figures

September 20, 2005

Israel has been attacked by Palestinian Arab terrorists 25,375 times since October 2000, Shin Bet (Israeli internal security organization) Director Yuval Diskin told the Knesset (Parliament) Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

That figure includes 142 suicide-bomb attacks, and the results of all attacks are 1,048 persons murdered and over 5,600 injured and maimed, as well as incalculable mental trauma.

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New Leviticus Scroll Unearthed Near Ein Gedi

September 20, 2005

A recent discovery—the first since 1965 at Masada and currently being authenticated by the Israel Antiquities Authorities (IAA)—is believed to be part of the 15th scroll of Leviticus. This gives hope that there is “still a chance” to find documents in the Judean Desert, said Professor Hanan Eshel of Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan.

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“Early Will I Seek Thee”

September 20, 2005

Every morning on the bus, I watch a variety of observant Jewish women reading from their tiny personal prayer books. As part of their daily routine, these women softly read aloud from prescribed portions of the Psalms, which serve to focus them on God and help them honor Him at the beginning of each day.

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