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Portable Allergen Detector a Potential Life Saver

Some 250 million people worldwide—8% of children and 4% of adults—suffer from a food allergy, many of them severe. Eating out can be a struggle, as unknown ingredients can cause an adverse reaction and sometimes even be fatal. Israeli start-up SensoGenic is working to address this problem with their portable biosensor, which detects the smallest

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Jewish Settlement from the Second Temple Period Uncovered in Beersheva

For the first time, the remains of a Jewish settlement of the Second Temple period have been discovered in Beersheva, revealing evidence of Jewish day-to-day life there. The site, dated from the first century AD until the Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 135, appears to contain underground hidden passageways used by the Jewish rebels. According

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Lighting the Ancient World

  An Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) excavation at Shivta [an ancient city in the Negev] has discovered a unique wick used to light lamps, dated to the Byzantine period 1,500 years ago. Dr. Naama Sukenik of the IAA said, “It seems that this rare find was preserved thanks to the dry climate in the Negev…Lamps

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Israel Brings Clean Water to Ugandan Community

Selda Edris and Mayes Morad, 26, were young water engineering students when they were first exposed to the poor living conditions [in] Uganda. The two young engineers graduated and joined the HelpApp organization, which aims to provide humanitarian aid to developing African countries. Edris and Mayes made their dream come true when they were finally

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Ancient Gold Coin Unearthed

Four high school students from Kibbutz Yifat in the Jezreel Valley spotted a gold coin glinting in the grass as they walked along the banks of the Zippori stream in the Galilee, adjacent to the Sanhedrin Trail (a 70-kilometer [43.5 mi] hiking trail that runs from Tiberias to Beit She’arim). After examining the coin, IAA

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Is Anti-Semitism Rising in the West?

May 15, 2019

In 1945, the Western world was horrified to discover the full extent of the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were slaughtered. Adding to the shock was the fact that the atrocity originated and often played out in the heart of Europe, largely perpetrated by educated Europeans. At the same time, Americans and Canadians weren’t

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Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan: Now and Forever

In the northeastern corner of Israel, bordering Syria and Lebanon, the Golan Heights is a sweeping plateau, rich in fertile soil for vineyards and grasslands for dairy cattle and sheep. The Golan serves as a catchment area for fresh meltwater that drains into the Sea of Galilee below. The region draws thousands of tourists each

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The Toll of Terror

Some of the greatest military and political minds the world has known have graced the pages of Israel’s modern history. Idealists all, they believed in an Israel not yet realized, a nation based on biblical principles, morally superior and committed to tikun olam (repairing the world, a concept expressed as the obligation or responsibility of

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Is Coexistence Possible?

Security footage shows Ashraf Na’alowa racing down a flight of stairs on the morning of October 18, 2018, frantically peering over his shoulder for anyone in pursuit. The 23-year-old Palestinian sprinted out of an Israeli-run factory in the Barkan Industrial Park in Samaria, leaving behind a grisly scene. Na’alowa, who had worked as an electrician

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Operation Brothers: A Top-secret Mission to Rescue the Jews of Ethiopia

The covert mission had all the makings of a spy thriller: international intrigue, daring and danger. Yet it wasn’t the fictional plot of a novel or movie. It really happened. The actors? The Israeli intelligence service (the Mossad). The stage? A fabricated resort on the Sudanese shores of the Red Sea. The plan? To rescue

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Jerusalem: Home Away from Home

Boasting some of the most famous and oldest tourist destinations in the world, Israel sees over four million visitors each year. No tour of the Promised Land would be complete without a stop in the nation’s heart—Jerusalem. You could tour this city for weeks—months even—and still not experience everything it has to offer. The best

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Shavuot: The Torah, Mount Sinai and Ruth?

Each of the biblical feasts celebrated in Israel comes with its own set of Scriptural instructions, tried traditions and weird and wonderful customs. The Feast of Tabernacles signals seven joyous days of dwelling in temporary booths, and Purim (Feast of Esther) means dressing up in dazzling costumes. On Rosh HaShanah (Jewish New Year) the piercing

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