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Rocks in Jerusalem

Yom Yerushalayim [Jerusalem Day]—Apparently, on the day that celebrates Jerusalem’s reunification, every National-Religious high school and yeshiva [religious school] feels obligated to visit and make physical contact with the Holy City, as if to confirm that it really is in our hands. My children Ari and Eden were among those who, with their classmates, went

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The Scribe: an Ancient Profession in Today’s World

Recently a friend asked me to send her a mezuzah (Scripture box affixed to a doorway) from Israel. I had decided to buy it at Yad LaKashish, a wonderful organization in Jerusalem that gives elderly citizens the opportunity to work making Judaica and other items in a number of artistic workshops. As I expected, I

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Ingathering “Aseef”

Have you heard of the Feast of Ingathering? It is another, less common name for Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles which is described in Exodus 23:14–17: “Three times you shall keep a feast to Me in the year: You shall keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread (you shall eat unleavened bread seven days, as

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SOS Emergency Alert App

The months of June and July [2014] have been full of tragedy and stress in Israel, with the kidnapping and murder of three teenage boys. Israeli police helicopter on patrol Realizing that Israelis were feeling vulnerable and frightened by these unpredictable events—several app developers worked quickly to make products that will help Israelis feel a

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Airplane Fuel from Water and Air

Refueling an airplane Combustible fuels for airplanes are made from hydrocarbons. The starting point can be crude oil, ethanol or natural gas. All current hydrocarbons on the market deplete natural resources, but new research from Israel promises an unlimited fuel source: a hydrocarbon feedstock, made from just water and air. This fuel could be the

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On the Trail of an Ebola Cure

By Abigail Klein Leichman, ISRAEL21c As the most severe Ebola epidemic on record spreads through central Africa, infecting and killing hundreds of citizens and foreign aid workers, and raising the specter of outbreaks all over the world, an Israeli research team is working with survivors to develop antibodies against the lethal virus. Dr. Leslie Lobel

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Time to Tweet: A Call to Arms

Israel’s Operation Protective Edge, defending against Hamas in Gaza, will be a short war compared with the worldwide anti-Israel propaganda war that has already begun. While all who stand with Israel see an anti-Israel bias in mainstream media, many are unaware that the frontline of this world war is social media. Twitter is the place

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Tunnels—Terror below the Surface

Highly-engineered terror tunnel IDFblog.com Webster’s Dictionary defines a tunnel as “a covered passageway through or under an obstruction, or a subterranean gallery such as in a mine.” When people today hear the term, they often think of a train passing through a mountain, or a subway carrying people beneath the streets of a city. Until

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Shuka Dorfman’s Legacy

Shuka Dorfman IAA Director General The director general of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) for the past fourteen years, Shuka Dorfman, recently passed away following a serious illness. Dorfman was a former Israeli military attaché and a top IDF artillery officer with the rank of Brigadier-General. He was elected to head the IAA in November

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Rare Hoard of Coins Unearthed

Pottery sherds discovered by an Israel Antiquities Authority inspector during extensive work on the new Highway 1 project resulted in an archaeological excavation in which a previously unknown settlement from the Late Second Temple Period was discovered. In addition, a rare hoard of coins was found in one of its houses. The hoard, which was

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Jerusalem’s Fascinating Crusader History

Wall paintings recounting the Crusader history of Jerusalem were recently exposed when the sisters of Saint-Louis Hospital, near the Old City of Jerusalem, were organizing the storerooms. In addition, a burst water pipe in the building revealed drawings that were concealed beneath modern plaster and paint. In the wake of the discovery, Israel Antiquities Authority

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Captured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Human Shields

Human shields on Gaza building preventing IAF strike Throughout Operation Protective Edge, Hamas has continuously used the civilian population of Gaza as human shields. The discovery of a Hamas “Urban Warfare” manual by the IDF (Israel Defense Force) reveals that Hamas’ callous use of the Gazan population was intentional and preplanned. This Hamas urban warfare

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