On a daily basis the Israeli press tells of yet another anti-Semitic attack somewhere in the world. Yesterday it was in Canada, the day before in the United Kingdom. We shake our heads, wring our hands and cry out to God: “No more!” But does He want us to do something more?
I have mourned over the Holocaust. If I had been alive, I would have gone to Germany and tried to convince the Church there to understand the times, the intentions of Hitler and the importance of reviving Germany God’s way. But we can’t go back in time. So the question burning in my heart is: “What does God want us to do now—in our time—about the anti-Semitism which has blazed into full flame again?”
Today, just like in the Germany of 80+ years ago, many in the Church aren’t awake to the dangers facing our world as a result of hatred of God, Christians and the Jewish people. Anti-Semitism—hatred of Jewish people—often comes from those who ignore or hate God, or, those who serve another god. Ultimately, it is against the one true God, the God of Israel.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6a). In today’s information age, it is astonishing how many people are biblically illiterate. The banquet table is set, but the people are famished.
Bridges for Peace has a deep burden to help believers understand the Bible literally from its original context, to know and love God, to understand His prophetic plan and to understand why and how He relates to Israel—the people through whom He chose to reveal Himself to the world.
Isaiah told of the latter times, “Many people shall come and say, ‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth the law [literally instruction of Torah (Gen.–Deut.)], and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem” (2:3).
We are communicating His truth in many ways. Currently we are developing small group curriculum to bring God’s truth to a wider audience.
I am convinced that if the Church in Europe had understood the importance of the Jewish people in God’s plan, the Holocaust would not have happened.
Understanding the situation is the first step; then we must stand up for God, righteousness and against the evil of hatred that grows ever more hideous. Sometimes that will mean speaking up even when it is uncomfortable or isn’t politically correct. It could be risky. At Bridges for Peace, we are committed to bringing the truth to you, so you can use it to stand up in your own community for God and Israel.
Let me tell you about one initiative we are a part of. The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and its sister organization, the Israel Allies Foundation, under the direction of Joshua Reinstein, is raising awareness in the nations about the difficulties Israel faces. Reinstein calls it “faith-based diplomacy.” Today, 40 nations have Israel Allies Caucasus in their governments through these efforts. The politician leading the caucus is usually a Christian. We have co-sponsored events for these Christian politicians, bringing them to Israel so they can receive high-level briefings, understand the real issues and then advocate for Israel once they are back home. We have also partnered with Reinstein to bring truth to Europe, a foment of anti-Israel activity. We need to continue this vital work.
Your gifts to our educational program will enable us to continue our education outreach, develop new curriculum, print materials and release videos. It allows us to continue partnering with others who are fighting for Israel and against anti-Semitism.
This is not the time for complacency. This is the time to stand up for God, truth and Israel. We need generous gifts and we need monthly support. Don’t just watch the dire happenings, do your part to overcome evil and spread God’s truth to a famished world.
Blessings from Israel,
Rebecca J. Brimmer
International President and CEO
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