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Restoring Paradise: Introducing Biblical Species Back to the Land

 It was 1978 and the streets of Tehran echoed with the sounds of gunshots and wild mobs screaming, “Death to America! Death to Israel!” Iran was reeling under a volatile political inferno, soon to explode into the full-blown Islamic Revolution. Trying to dodge angry demonstrators and stray bullets, a lone man hurried through the streets,

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Christian Zionism and the birth of Modern Israel

As Zionism continues to be the focus of a worldwide smear campaign by those who would delegitimize the state of Israel, it becomes increasingly important for Israel’s Christian friends to understand the history and foundations of this important and prophetic movement. In the last issue of this magazine, we looked at the broader picture, from Zionism’s earliest beginnings to

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Tastes of Jerusalem

There are many sights in the Promised Land that capture your heart like nowhere else on earth. The flag of Israel unfurling against the white stones of the Western Wall, the silhouette of ancient fishing boats, bobbing hazily on the Sea of Galilee and the tiny cobbled streets weaving through Jerusalem’s Old City have all

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Practical Models of Jewish-Christian Relations

After 26 years of living in Israel and building Jewish-Christian relations I am convinced that we must become involved in faithful action. Unfortunately much of the action the Jewish world has experienced from the Christian world is not positive. Our friend Moshe Kempinski often tells our groups “your Bible says you are supposed to be

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Anti-Semitism’s Global Comeback

The last time anti-Semitism infected the world at large was in the 19th and 20th centuries.  After WWII, it remained a low grade fever, flaring up occasionally around the world. But, today it has returned in a new, mutated form that may be the most powerful and viral in human history. The last infection resulted in

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Fascinating Facts About Israel and the Jewish People

Israel is an amazing country. As you peruse the pages of this magazine, you may discover things about this incredible place that you might not have known. You may be surprised as you learn about the size of the country, the prophecies God is fulfilling here in our lifetime, the beauty and majesty of the

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Israel Goes Above and Beyond: Assessing Operation Protective Edge

 War crimes were committed during the 2014 conflict between Israel and terrorists in the Gaza Strip, and Palestinian civilians were deliberately put in harm’s way—but it was Hamas who drew their own people into the fighting, not Israel. Hamas intentionally placed military targets in civilian areas, disguised militants as civilians, and even forced their own

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Ancient Water Course Revealed

Section of the newly revealed aqueduct that brought fresh water to Jerusalem two thousand years ago A section of Jerusalem’s Lower Aqueduct, which conveyed water to the city more than 2,000 years ago, was exposed in the city’s Umm Tuba quarter (near Har Homa) during the construction of a sewer line in the neighborhood. The

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1,500-year-old Church Discovered

Aerial view of excavation Archaeological excavations near Highway 1 (Jerusalem–Tel Aviv), at the entrance to Abu Gosh, have uncovered a large Byzantine-period road station that included a church. Initiated and funded by the National Roads Company, the excavations were conducted while upgrading and widening the highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The site lies next

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Druze Community Honors Israeli Divers

A Druze sheikh with a replica of a coin from the treasure A gold treasure off the Caesarea coast was discovered in February 2015 by a group of six Israeli divers—Tzvika Feuer, Kobi Tweena, Avivit Fishler, Shai Milner, Yoav Lavi and Yoel Miller (see June 2015 Dispatch for story). The treasure, which was completely uncovered

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Pope Recognizes Palestine: Tipping Point?

Pope Francis The Roman Catholic Church announced in May that it has all but finalized a formal agreement with “the State of Palestine.” While it is not the first entity to do so, it might be the most significant. Because of its perceived moral authority, especially in the West, Rome’s official recognition may be the

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Egyptian President Strengthens Ties with Russia

Egyptian President Sisi Egyptian President Sisi was in Moscow in May to participate in celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. According to the Jerusalem Post (JPost), Sisi met with Russia’s President Putin. In that meeting, he “expressed his desire to strengthen cooperation between the nations.” Putin reciprocated the

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