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Clean Drinking Water from Medical Waste

A glass of H2O to quench the thirst is something that many take for granted. Yet clean drinking water is one of the most desperately sought-after commodities in remote rural areas in developing nations. Israeli company NUFiltration is using discarded medical devices to remedy the situation. NUFiltration repurposes dialysis filters that have been discarded after

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Remembering the Vilna Synagogue

In archaeological excavations that recently took place in Lithuania, archaeologists discovered the stage from which the Torah [Gen.–Deut.] was read to the Jewish community of Vilna for 300 consecutive years. This tradition stopped abruptly during the Holocaust, when the Great Synagogue, then the beating heart of the Lithuanian Jewish community, was looted and burned by

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Iran is Fueling Israel’s Conflict with Hamas

Iran has been seeking to escalate tensions along Israel’s southern border with Gaza, with the goal of “deterring” Israel from taking decisive action either in its north or south, an expert on Lebanon argued in an essay published in Tablet. Tony Badran, a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, noted that various

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Irresponsible Journalism: Media Bias and the Gaza Riots

In the surge of media attention surrounding the Gaza riots earlier this year, one theme was prevalent: a virulent attack on the State of Israel and her right to defend her sovereign borders. The attack came with one of the most incisive weapons in the war for public opinion—the media. Misleading Headlines Shortly after the

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Welcome to Jerusalem

In May this year, the United States made history by becoming the first major world power to place its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem. While this was certainly a momentous move, the City of Gold was shining long before US President Donald Trump recognized it as Israel’s capital. In fact, President Trump himself said the

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Hamas: Thirty Years of Terror

Rome. The Nazis. Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Assyria, Greece and the evil Haman. The chronicles of times gone by are littered with ancient regimes and rulers determined to annihilate the Jewish people. History teaches that those who led the charges to destroy the Jews were themselves ultimately destroyed, while Israel remained. History also teaches that

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The Earth Moves

Israel has in centuries past experienced some severe earthquakes. Testimony of this is found not only in archaeological and geological records, but also in the ancient biblical text. Scripture teaches that several significant past events were accompanied by great shakings in the natural world and it is foretold that future events will be also. While

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From Rosh HaShanah to Sukkot: Three Weeks of the Holy, Joyous and Awesome

The rhythm of life in Israel is governed by an annual cycle of feasts. The year flows from Passover through Shavuot (Feast of Weeks) and on to Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), infusing the everyday with the holy, joyous and awesome. Yet even amidst a calendar marked with times set aside to celebrate, the three-week period

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Rosh HaShanah Apple-Honey Rose Tart

Jewish tradition teaches that Rosh HaShanah (Jewish New Year) is a time to dip apples in honey in celebration and expectation of a sweet year to come. This rose-shaped tart also hearkens back to Song of Solomon 8:5, “Who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I awakened you under the apple tree.

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The Kites that Set Southern Israel Ablaze

Hundreds of burning terror kites and balloons launched. More than 3,035 hectares (7,500 ac.) of forest and agricultural land turned to ash. Flocks of wildlife suffocated or burnt. Tens of millions of shekels in damage. A terror regime set on death and destruction… “The Islamist rulers of Gaza aren’t clamoring for a two-state solution. Hamas’s

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Israel to the Rescue

When the earth shakes anywhere on the globe, Israel is one of the first countries to spring into action and lend aid. Maybe it’s because Israel herself sits atop a massive fault line and understands all too well the destruction caused by a major earthquake. Or it could be that Israel’s swift response arises from

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Why Trump Had to “Nix” the Iran Nuclear Deal

All that was at stake was world peace—or at least, nuclear peace. The question hanging before the United States (US) and Europe—and of critical interest to Israel—was whether it was better to keep the flawed nuclear Iran deal or to have no deal at all. In May this year, the US President Donald Trump administration

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