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Yad Vashem Database Reunites Sisters

June 26, 2005

Sixty years after the Holocaust, survivors, who thought their loved ones were lost forever, are still rediscovering each other. In November 2004, Yad Vashem made its central database accessible to the world via the Internet. This has provided the tools for many survivors or their family members to find out the fate of loved ones.

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PA TV Cultivates Culture of Terror and Death

June 26, 2005

The promises of Palestine Liberation Organization chief Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) notwithstanding, official Palestinian Authority (PA)-controlled television continues to encourage Arab males to seek death while attacking Jews, and their mothers to rejoice in their demise. “Creating a supportive social environment for terrorists has been a critical factor in the Palestinian Authority’s successful promotion of suicide terrorism,” wrote Palestinian Media Watch director Itamar Marcus in March.

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Israeli Technology to Help Breast-Cancer Patients

June 26, 2005

An Israeli company, together with the Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheva, is exploring the treatment of breast cancer using revolutionary Israeli-made Virtual Cancer Patient technology.

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Israeli Scientists Develop NEW Explosives Detector

June 26, 2005

Researchers at the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology have developed a pen-sized device to detect triacetone triperoxide (TATP), an explosive commonly used by terrorists. The device resembles a pen with three buttons on it. It dispenses chemical solutions, which change color upon contact with the material.

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Forbes: Israeli Web site “Best Innovation in Years”

June 26, 2005

The prestigious magazine Forbes has termed Israeli start-up GuruNet the “best Internet innovation in years.” The company’s software enables users to click on any word on their screen—whether in an e-mail, a Word document, or even a PDF file—to receive an instant pop-up box full of relevant information.

For example, clicking on the word “Intel”—or typing it in—turns up a single page with a brief company history, including pictures of the founders, a company profile, annual sales, employees, office phone numbers, executives’ names, stock charts, and recent news.

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Gush Katif Produces Bug-Free Vegetables

June 26, 2005

Alei Katif, a company in the Gaza settlement of Kfar Darom, is selling the world’s first guaranteed bug-free produce and, along with other ventures, expects sales to increase by 20% in the coming months. Since observant Jews are prohibited by Jewish law from ingesting bugs, bug-free vegetables are very popular in the religious community. Otherwise, the vegetables have to be soaked for hours or thoroughly checked for bugs.

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Extremely Rare Crusader Coin Found in Jaffa

June 26, 2005

A coin that was minted for only a seven-year period in the 13th century has been identified, after it was recently found in excavations in Jaffa.

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Tourism Ministry Plans Christian Center

June 1, 2005

In March, Tourism Minister Abraham Hirchson said that the government was planning on building a major Christian visitor center in the northern Galilee to boost the number of Christian tourists coming to the Holy Land. The plans for the nondenominational Christian Center are indicative of Israel’s ever-growing interest in the Christian world at large and the staunchly pro-Israel evangelical Christian community in particular.

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Honey in the Land of the Bible

June 1, 2005

Israel has always been known as the “Land of Milk and Honey.” It was and is the Promised Land of God for His people Israel. The term “milk and honey” refers to a land that can sustain animals that give milk and flowering trees and vegetation that supply fruit and nectar for bees.

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Jordanian Dig Confirms Biblical Edom

June 1, 2005

Just-published evidence from a United States–directed archaeological dig in Jordan further authenticates the Bible’s descriptions of the existence of the ancient nation of Edom during the eras of King David and his son King Solomon.

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ACRE Crusader City Uncovered

{image_1}In a major historical find, sections of an 800-year-old Crusader city have been uncovered beneath the Old City of Acre. They will be opened to the public this June.

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Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart

{image_1} “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5–6).

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