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Computer Virus-  Are Their Days Numbered?

February 1, 2006

A Tel Aviv team has cornered the deadly, dastardly computer virus menace. The thought of those vicious virus monsters cringing in fear of their demise is a delight.

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Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar Herbed Dipping Sauce

February 1, 2006

By Richard Bristol, PhD

You cannot visit Israel without witnessing the significant place olives play in the agriculture and diet of the people of the Land. Olive trees are found from the north to the south of the Land. When you sit down to a meal in Israel, you will usually find olives on the table, even for breakfast! Olives have been grown here from antiquity; so when we eat olives, we can’t help but envision the patriarchs of Israel enjoying olives with their meals.

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Ukrainian University Calls on the UN to “Close Israel”

February 1, 2006

The Interregional Academy for Personnel Management, known by its Russian acronym MAUP, has issued statements in support of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s recent call to destroy Israel. The Kiev-based university, which has gained international notoriety for its anti-Zionist propaganda and anti-Semitic publications, now wants the United Nations to “close” Israel.

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Fatah Agrees- “Wipe Out Israel”

February 1, 2006

A military wing of the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) ruling Fatah faction declared its support for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s desire to see Israel “wiped off the map.” In a leaflet published by Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, the group stressed its “identification with and overall support of the position and declaration of the Iranian president, who called with all honesty to wipe Israel off the map of the world.”

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Understanding Israel’s Elections during a most precarious time

February 1, 2006

Why should Christians be concerned about the political system and the upcoming elections in Israel? Because, we are at a point in history where God’s promises to His people are coming under attack. Just as we are to be good stewards of the things God puts into our hands and use those gifts toward His will, we also must be good stewards of the Land He has given to His people.

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Israel You Are Not Alone, Whether We Like It or Not!!

January 8, 2006

By Ron Ross, Bridges for Peace, Host of Israel Mosaic Radio
Many, who are advocates for God and for Israel, protest aggressively when signs of anti-Semitism occur. However, we often do not connect Jews and Christians as co-targets. Islamic terrorism has both Jews and Christians in their sights and the violence is not just verbal. An oft repeated canard of Islamic extremists is “First the Saturday people and then the Sunday people.” Today, we see attempts to act upon this conviction with rioting in the streets of many Western countries, including Australia and France.

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Iran´s New Satellite Capable Of Spying On Israel

January 8, 2006

Iran, just weeks after its president called for Israel’s destruction, admitted that its new Sina-1 satellite is capable of spying on Israel. The Islamic country insisted the satellite was for scientific purposes, prior to its launch aboard a Russian rocket in October 2005. Officials said its purpose was to take pictures of Iran and monitor regions prone to earthquakes.  The head of the country’s space program, however, said that the satellite is able to easily spy on the Jewish state from outer space.

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Ancient Roman Anchors Found in Israel

January 8, 2006

Ancient wooden anchors, preserved by natural salt for more than 2,000 years, have been discovered on the receding shores of the Dead Sea

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Israeli Medical Advances Receive FDA Approval

January 8, 2006

The Israeli laser technology company, Lumenis, has announced that its new Novus 3000 ophthalmic treatment device has been approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The new laser can treat several retinal conditions that can lead to vision loss and blindness––including proliferative diabetic retinopathy, retinal tears and detachment, premature retinopathy, and retinal vein occlusion.

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Monastery Discovery

January 8, 2006

The skeletal remains of seven horses have been uncovered under the 17th century Armenian Monastery in Jaffa, which archaeologists believe is evidence of the battles that were fought along the walls of the ancient port city in earlier periods, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced in November.

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Palestinians Lead as Suicide Bombers

January 8, 2006

Despite Al-Qaeda’s campaign in Iraq, Palestinians continue to lead the world in suicide bombings. A report by Tel Aviv University said Palestinians comprised the largest group of suicide bombers. Authored by Yoram Schweitzer and Sari Goldstein Ferber, the study cited 400 Palestinian suicide bombers compared to 376 Iraqi suicide attackers.

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Gaza Becomes Thorn In Israel’s Side

January 8, 2006

Israelis were promised that withdrawing from Gaza would result in being able to drop the area as a major security concern. But expected Palestinian Authority action against terror has not been forthcoming, the international community has not afforded Israel any meaningful understanding for its right to respond to and deter attacks on its citizens, and Gaza has instead become a thorn in Israel’s side.

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