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Israeli Discovery Nips Mosquito Problem in the Bud

It’s enough to drive you up the wall. Right before nodding off, you hear it: the unmistakable whine, evidence of a miniature pest on a mission to bite and suck your blood. Mosquitos are universally reviled—not only for their propensity to turn a good night’s sleep into a mosquito hunt or for marking their victims

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The Next Generation of Reconnaissance Drones

Thanks to year-long joint research between the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Israeli weapons manufacturer Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, the first tiny handheld drones are now operational in Israel. These state-of-the-art drones, which are no bigger than 7.8 inches (20 cm) in size, can be used in a multitude of tasks, such as

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Israeli Discovery Could Revolutionize Chemotherapy

It is a feeling that many who receive a cancer diagnosis can identify with: heartbreak and fear, followed by hopes that chemotherapy will save the day. Unfortunately for many patients, chemo’s painful side effects cause them to stop treatment prematurely. Now, a research team headed by Professor Alexander Binshtok, head of the Pain Plasticity Research

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The Valley of Defense: Why Israel Must Control the Jordan Valley

The Jordan River and surrounding valley have been a key part of Israel for millennia—from the parting of the Jordan River for Joshua to the baptism of Jesus (Yeshua) by John the Baptist. In recent decades, it has been key to the defense of the Jewish state. Since Israel captured the Jordan Valley from the

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Israel Champions Women’s Rights in the Middle East

“No Joke,” tweeted Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, “the UN just condemned Israel as the world’s only violator of women’s rights, backed by votes of council members Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Yemen.” Of the 40 countries that condemned Israel in a July 2019 United Nations (UN) resolution, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and

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Operation Sentinel: The Coalition Guarding the World’s Oil Highway

Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary defines the word sentinel as “a soldier set to guard an army, camp, or other place, from surprise, to observe the approach of danger, and give notice of it.” Is it any wonder that US President Donald Trump chose Operation Sentinel as the name for his Persian Gulf coalition that began earlier

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China’s Hand in Israel

In Chinese tradition, the pig with its characteristically fat face and big ears is a mark of prosperity. It is appropriate then that as the Chinese year of the pig draws to a close, the world must take note of the prosperity and spectacular economic ascent of the People’s Republic of China. How exactly China

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Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

Every Christmas thousands of Christians flock to Bethlehem to celebrate the holiday close to where Jesus (Yeshua) was born. They marvel at the 40-foot Christmas tree, bow their heads at the Church of Nativity and sing Christmas carols in the frosty night air. Once Christmas is over, Bethlehem returns to normal. The tree comes down.

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Surprising Customs, Cultures and Traditions

Israel is like no other place on earth. The history of the Jewish people stretches back thousands of years, yet the modern nation is only 71 years old. Almost 30% of Israelis are olim (immigrants), coming from all across the world and bringing some of their own culture with them. Israel is thus a wonderful

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Like the Garden of Eden

“So they will say, ‘This land that was desolate has become like the Garden of Eden…’” Ezekiel 36:35 It was just a 25-minute drive from Jerusalem, but I felt like I had entered another world. A small group of friends had embarked on a day trip to the biblical heartland of Judea. When we arrived

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Moroccan Beef Chili

The history of the Jewish people in Morocco spans over 2,000 years, with 275,000 Jews calling the country home before the State of Israel’s rebirth in 1948. Although today less than 3,000 Jews remain in Morocco, the exotic flavors of this North African country are embedded in Israeli dishes throughout the Land. This winter, warm

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Choosing Life in Israel

“For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land.” Ezekiel 36:24 Some two-and-a-half millennia after God made this pledge, we are seeing the prophecy come to pass in front of our eyes as Jewish people from America to Australia and South Africa to

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