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A City of Missiles

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Africa and Israel: a Match Made in Heaven?

  In times past, Africa was known as the “dark continent,” a mysterious, romantic place filled with tribal cultures, exotic wildlife and beautiful landscapes. It was a destination for Christian missionaries as well as those who dreamed of the adventure of the big-game safari. For many decades, however, violence and turmoil reigned throughout much of

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Frankincense and Myrrh—Along Israel’s Spice Route

The Spice and Incense Route—those words conjure images of long camel caravans ferrying trade goods across the Negev desert to Jerusalem and points beyond. On this exotic desert road connecting the Orient with the Roman Empire, the precious commodities of frankincense and myrrh were transported over vast distances to satisfy the insatiable Roman appetite for

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The Lie of Occupation

In May of 2015, South Carolina became the first state in America to adopt modernized legislation regulating against the problem of commercial discrimination and boycotts of Israel. The bill passed unanimously, and was the result of nearly two years of legal research, policy development and educational resourcing by the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF) and its

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BDS–Changing the Narrative

April 1, 1933 is one of those dates that is permanently etched in the memory of the Jewish people. It was on that date that the Nazis carried out their first nationwide planned action against the Jews in Germany. That action was to boycott Jewish businesses. Nazi spokespersons were clear this was an act of

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The Deborah Force— Women Warriors of the IDF

In Judges 4 we read the account of the mighty Canaanite army led by King Jabin of Hazor, swarming over the Valley of Jezreel, determined to purge the Israelites from the Land once and for all. The meager band of Israelite fighters were no match for Jabin’s 100,000 troops and 900 lethal iron chariots, and

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Sha’ar Hallel—A Gate of Praise

It is said to be the most painful experience that a parent will ever have to endure—the death of a child. On June 29, 2016—the beginning of the summer school holidays in Israel—Hallel Yaffa Ariel HYʺD (may HaShem avenge her blood) was sleeping in late. Young Ariel’s hometown, Kiryat Arba, is a stone’s throw away

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Israeli Air Force—the Birth of a Legend

Say the words “Israeli Air Force” (IAF) and mental images of courage and valor come to mind. The flying force of tiny Israel is, after all, synonymous with legendary missions, seemingly impossible exploits and remarkable bravery. Today, the IAF is recognized as one of the most powerful air corps in the world. A study by

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Unexpected Family

Mishpocha is a charming Yiddish term which in its essence means family. It also describes the unforeseen, yet delightful, sense of family one witnesses among the residents of Jerusalem. Despite numerous differences within the Jewish community, there remains a strong sense of oneness. The various heartwarming incidents that take place in the colorful communal spaces

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Beersheva—a Cyber Star Is Rising

It started with the vision of one man—David Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, who declared prophetically, “the future of Israel lies in the Negev.” From that pivotal moment, who would have guessed that, in a mere seventy years, Ben Gurion’s Negev desert would blossom into the fruitful exporter of 60% of Israel’s

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Second-Class Citizens? Israel’s Legal Realities and Responsibilities in Judea–Samaria

What to do when nearly 400,000 of your people are legally disenfranchised from other citizens? That is the question that faces Israel regarding those living in Judea and Samaria (commonly referred to as the West Bank). Currently Judea and Samaria are not considered part of Israeli territory to which Israeli civil law applies. At the

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